Light and Motion

My building mounted  sports sculptures incorporate the elements of  light and motion to convey a dynamic sensory experience to the eyes, and in the mind, of the viewer.

Below are Players, Uneven Bars and Cubist Dancer and A River Runs Through It. Click on the images to view each sculpture’s individual page.

Players – Putney, VT

The combination of the light in the sky and the viewer moving to different viewing points of the installation creates a constantly changing display of reflected light on each sculpture.

The “Slam Dunk”, “Shot On Goal” and “Dig Save” sculptures depict gender-neutral bodies in motion.


Uneven Bars and Cubist Dancer  – Orange, MA

Reflected light and a gender-neutral body in motion.

Other building mounted sculptures also utilize light and motion.

A River Runs Through It – Turners Falls, MA

Hundreds of light reflecting panels in wind driven motion.


My Kinetic Sculptures also incorporate the elements of light and motion. Sun light collected in the solar panels drive the motors that provide the motion.

A permanent installation at Landmark College, Putney, VT


A temporary installation at The Forbes Library, Northampton, MA


Photon Translations III – Northfield, MA



Although most of my outdoor commissioned work reflects light from the sky, I can create sculptures that can be mounted indoors that reflect ambient light.

Use the Contact Form to begin a discussion about your project.